15th December 2023

Photo Credit: Scanning Microscope (Science Library); Yeast bubbling (Simonidadjorjevik, Getty Images); Bread (Aurielfoxrj, Pixabay): CANVA

I would you could but see how it chafes, how it rages, how it takes up the shore. But that’s not to the point. O, the most piteous cry of the poor souls! Sometimes to see ‘em, and not to see ‘em. Now the ship boring the moon with the mainmast, and anon swallowed with yeast and froth, as you’d thrust a cork into a hogshead.

SHEPHERDS SON: Winter’s Tale, Act 3, Scene 3

YEAST (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)

One of the smallest but one of the most valued of all the Shakespeare species. Without the Yeast fungus we wouldn’t have bread, beer, wine or any of the foods and drinks which require fermentation. Yeast has been used by human societies for thousands of years.

Yeast or Yeasty makes 3 appearances in Shakespeare as well as 2 mentions of ‘leaven’, but there are many references to breads, wine, beer and ale throughout his works.

More Information

UCL Blogs: 3,500 year old bread and beer from New Kingdom Egypt

Tom Volk: Brewers Yeast Blog


