19th December 2023
Photo Credit: slowmotiongli (Getty Images), CANVA
She did show favour to the youth in your sight only to exasperate you, to awake your dormouse valour, to put fire in your heart and brimstone in your liver.
FABIAN: Twelfth Night, Act 3, Scene 2
DORMOUSE (Muscardinus avellanarius)
Dormouse (the Hazel or Common Dormouse) is associated with hibernation and Shakespeare uses this characteristic to demonstrate that Sir Andrew’s ‘valour’ is asleep.
Dormice like open woodland, coppice or hedgerows and they live on berries and small insects. They put on fat in autumn to prepare for their winter sleep. They are difficult to spot because they are often asleep or in the trees but they are also increasingly threatened. It is assessed as Vulnerable in Britain.
Many organisations are working to conserve this tiny species and the habitats it needs to survive. You can also take training in Dormouse ecology and conservation.
The edible Dormouse of the Romans is the larger species Glis glis. Dormouse fat was also used in a range of medicines. Slovenia has a Dormouse Hunting museum in Sneznik Castle and Dormouse hunting is still practiced in some areas.
More Information
Mammal Society: Dormouse Ecology & Conservation
Notranjski Park Slovenia: Dormouse Hunting Traditions
Sneznik Castle Slovenia: Dormouse Hunting Museum
Wildlife Trusts: Hazel Dormouse